Commercial Road in Portsmouth, turned on their Christmas lights on Thursday, November 17. Pictured is: l-r Lewis Hutton with his daughter Poppy Smith 6 , Ethan Nicholson with his partner Chelsea Devlin and their son Arlo 4 months old , Willow Childs 2 and her mum Courtney Benham all from Portsmouth. Picture: Sarah Standing 171122-6576
Upload Date: 17 Nov 2022
Original Filename: PPP-221117-213624003_jpns 171122-6576 COMMERCIAL ROAD X
Store Filename: 39613856.jpg
Byline: Portsmouth Newspapers Sarah St
Keywords: PPP 221117 213624003 jpns 171122 6576 COMMERCIAL ROAD XMAS LIGHTS.JPG PPP 221117 213624003 jpns 171122 6576 COMMERCIAL ROAD XMAS LIGHTS.JPG PPP-221117-213624003