Residents in Heritage Gardens, Portchester, held a street party on Saturday, June 4, to celebrate The Queen s Platinum Jubilee. Pictured is: l-r Bruno Rawlinson 6 , Sam Hulks 10 and Eva Rawlinson 12 during the donut eating challenge. Picture: Sarah Standing 040622-9343
Upload Date: 04 Jun 2022
Original Filename: PPP-220406-221058003_jpns 040622-9343 JUBILEE HERITAGE
Store Filename: 39463638.jpg
Byline: Portsmouth Newspapers Sarah St
Keywords: PPP 220406 221058003 jpns 040622 9343 JUBILEE HERITAGE GARDENS.JPG PPP 220406 221058003 jpns 040622 9343 JUBILEE HERITAGE GARDENS.JPG PPP-220406-221058003
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